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Covid-19 Update

Allergy Test Clinic is only operating one of its clinics until further notice. Only the Kingston-Upon-Thames Clinic remains open.

Safety Guidelines

To speed up the process of conducting the Allergy Test, all clients will be expected to have completed the questionnaire and return it to Sue electronically no later than 24 hours before the arranged appointment.

Upon arrival, please send a text to Sue to inform her that you have arrived, if she is unable to come to the front door immediately, as she may still have a client with her, or is preparing the testing area by de-sanitising it first.

Upon entering the premises, you must allow the tester to take your temperature using her temperature reader at an appropriate social distance.  Providing this is within the normal range, the appointment will proceed. Sue has the right to refuse access, as a result of the result of the body temperature test.

You will be required to sanitise your hands with the sanitiser as provided and before entering the building you may be required to apply a face covering.

You will then be escorted to the room where the test will take place.  Before the test, you may use the toilet facilities.

The test will then take place and you will verbally receive your results before leaving the premises.  Due to COVID, there will not be a paper copy of the results given to you, but you may take a photo of the results on your phone or a copy can be sent to your email address as previously provided.


This must be by Credit/Debit card only to restrict the risk of the Coronavirus.


If you show any signs of the Coronavirus, please do not come to your appointment and inform Sue at the earliest opportunity to allow you to reschedule your appointment.

© Allergy Test Clinic 

All Information on this website is intended for nutritional information only and is not meant for medical diagnostic purposes. Please consult your Doctor about any serious medical or health conditions. Nutritional Therapy is not an Alternative to Conventional Medicine but Complementary.

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